27 September 2009

Helpful tips series > Part 2

Continuing with the Helpful tips series, here are a few tips when preparing to travel anywhere:

Place the contents of your wallet on a photocopy machine or scanner, copy both sides of each license, credit card, etc., you will know what you had in your wallet and all of the account numbers and phone numbers to call and cancel.

Copy your travel itinerary, passport or other important documents. Leave a copy at home, take two copies with you but keep the two copies in separate places. You may also want to e-mail scans of the documents to yourself so they can be accessed online.

Unless required by law, carry a copy and not the original passport when sightseeing. Most nations require that adults carry government issued identification. A driver license or military identification and copy of your passport will usually be sufficient. Check with the embassy or consulate of the country you are visiting for specific details. Place your passport in a lock box, safe or other secure place whenever possible.

Avoid "Traveler burglaries" when your car is away from home. Take all documents from your car (registration, insurance card, etc) that have your home address, cover the address only, and then photocopy or scan the documents. Place the duplicates back in your car and keep the original documents in a safe place.

When traveling internationally, be sure to have the local (not toll-free) phone numbers of your credit card issuers and their website addresses. A toll-free telephone number on your credit cards may not work when you are calling from outside of your home country, so use the local phone number and call collect. Be sure to have the phone number and address of the local embassy or consular office before you leave home. Information is available HERE.

See Helpful tips series Part 1

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